Friday 13 July 2012

Mixed Berry Scones

I am coming to the end of my frozen berries from last year, I was going to be baking my cottage pies and decided to throw together some scones as the oven would be hot anyway.

  • 450g/1lb strong white flour, plus extra for dusting
  • 5 tsp baking powder
  • 75g/3oz  butter,
  • 75g/3oz caster sugar
  • A handful of mixed berries (still frozen)
  • 2  eggs,  beaten with
  • 250ml/9fl oz milk

I mix everything together and spoon the mixture into my silicone muffin tray (you don't need to worry about greasing or sticking)
Glaze with milk
Stick them into the oven once the pies had been cooked and bake for 10-12 minutes (or 15 if like me you forgot about them)

I didn't get a picture before everyone had a scone - so here is the lone remainder
Please ignore the whiskey collection in the background, and the fact that the last scone is a little deformed. It will get eaten none the less!


Mum said...

Hi Meab-dot, Thank you for becoming a follower of my blog. I've just had a good read through yours. I've always put currants or sultanas in my scones - berries will make a lovely change. You are at the beginning of your career and I have finished mine. Teaching is very rewarding but also exhausting. Make sure you make time for yourself and enjoy - don't stress. The children are the best bit.
Love from Mum

Meab-dot said...

Thanks!! I freeze excess berries when I pick them or find them in season and supper cheap. You can throw them in whilst frozen - I use a lot of currents and raspberries because I like a little bite of flavour. I am taking the summer to recharge and get ready for the coming year :)