Saturday 21 July 2012


I am a hoarder! There I have said it! Now for the road to recovery! I have been trying to tidy stuff up now that I have free time, and I also need a break from job hunting now and again!
Somehow every time I try and sort out the storage space in my house aka the dumping ground I eventually give up in despair!
So, I am now hoping to become a minimalist, or at least an almost minimalist. I am starting with my clothes. I have just gone through my wardrobe and culled everything I don't wear. (there is also a maybe section full of formalish clothes, I will sort those out later.
The culled clothes & shoes are put into two piles donate & ebay. (Because I get a lot of my own clothes from charity shops I like to give as much as I can back. I only ebay the clothing that I think I can get more for than a charity shop can charge)

I don't want to end up like this!
I also will be culling books: text books, novels, how-to's etc. And whilst on this binge I will be ruthless with knick-knacks - I tend to keep things out of guilt because someone gave them to me, not because I like or enjoy them. All must go! I am not sure where I will be with jobs come September, I need to lighten my load and cut back to essentials!

1 comment:

The mum of all trades said...

I hear you! Complete hoarder here too. But things are always SO useful, eventually!