Tuesday 10 July 2012

Elderflower Cordial

Where I live we are reaching the end of the elderflower season - and I have been busy. Taking my pup with me I head off into the woods and gather Elderflower.

Although there are plenty on the side of the road I don't pick those - as you don't wash Elderflower when you use it for cordial the roadside flowers are a little to chancey for me.

I followed this simple recipe:
Elderflower Cordial

10 heads of Elderflower, (remove any critters but don't wash)
1kg granulated or caster Sugar
600mls of Water
1 unwaxed Lemons
Add citric acid if you intend to keep it for longer periods
In the same book from which I found this recipe I also discovered a recipe for elderflower Ice. I will hopefully try this soon and post about it.
- Put the sugar in the pan with the water and bring to boil. (make sure to use a large saucepan to prevent any scalding sugar escaping)
-Prepare the heads of elderflower in a large bowl add the rind of the lemon and then add the sliced pieces
*if you intend on adding citric do so now  
- Pour the sugar & water over the elderflower and leave covered overnight
-Filter and bottle the mixture 
I passed it through a sieve to get the larger pieces

Finished product

I then made up a bottle with some sparkling water - perfect!


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